Ebony Scarlett Knowles

I Am Become Death, Destoryer Of Diet Culture

Who am I, and why do I detest diet culture so much?

My name is Ebony Knowles, I'm 21 years old and a journalism student at Oxford Brookes University. But if you're on this page then you are probably wondering why I've made an entire website about the typography of diet culture and its products. Well, for almost my entire life, I have been on diets. Coming from a "big" family, I always wanted to be different, I didn't want all the health complications, all the stares and all the self hatred that I thought was an inherent part of being overweight, so I never let myself become that way. This obsession with weight and size was just one of those things that I thought everyone lived with, but I was wrong. My perspective changed dramatically when a friend of mine pointed me towards the body positivity moment. What started as amazement at the confidence of these people who, in all shapes and sizes, would celebrate the bodies they were in, soon became a overwhelming feeling of needing to be a part of it. Since then, I have become an activist for not only body positivity, but body acceptance, too.

Where did I come from, where did I go?

I have always loved writing. Throughout my childhood, I would fill every single notebook I was given, moving to the next one almost as quickly as I had started. I wrote fantasy, crime, coming of age and even attempted psychological thrillers. After being published a few times in later life, I started to believe that perhaps I could actually make a career out of this passion.


I am the first in my family to attend university, let alone pursue a career in writing, and I hope to show them, and my small home town in the middle of nowhere, that you are not bound by your class, upbringing or past to have a specific future. Rather, you can make whatever you want out of your life with the right determination and dedication. This, alongside my fasination with unravelling the complexities of the diet industry, I hope to make real and positive change within my writing.


Before I knew I even wanted to go to university to study Journalism, I wrote for several publications, including The Legends Report, and Martec Europe. I am also currently writing my own book about mental health, called One For Sorrow. In the past, I have been featured in poetry books and short story anthologies, as well as being a part of Poetry Slam and the ESB. As I've said, I've always wanted to be a writer, but, for a long time, I did not know what type of writing to go into. I have now realised that I want to use my past experiences to help others, where I can write about the complexities of mental health, LGBT issues and cultural differences.
My goals are to:
Teach people about mental health, especially those who have spent their lives trying to fit into a box of neurotypicality.
Teach young people about the diet industry before they are indoctrinated into it.
Have my book published professionally.

Have something to say about writing, mental health, or diet culture?